Students, academic scientists, researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a brief abstract online through the Google form
on or before 10th July, 2024. The abstract should be maximum 250 words in MS word format, 12 point Times New Roman font, line spacing 1.5, 1" margin, including References
(if applicable) as per given Abstract template on the conference website. The final acceptance of the Abstract for the ORAL / POSTER / INVITED talk will be decided by the
organizing committee after screening.
Template of abstract submission click here
Abstract submission link: click here
Three Best Oral Presentation Award (I, II and III) will be presented to the best three participants in oral presentation category at the ICECPCS-2024. A panel of
judges will select the best oral presentations from all the sessions. The winners will be recognized publicly during the valedictory session of the conference.
Registration Fee Details for Seminar participants only