Any interested student/researcher/ academician/industry person can submit their original and previously unpublished work, including specific results. All papers are required to be prepared and submitted in the Taylor & Francis format Standard conference format of A4 size in English. The first page must include the title of the paper author(s), affiliations, address and text. Please do not include page number on submitted documents. Failing to conform to the standard format will result in rejection. Detailed format information is available in Taylor and Francis Website. The similarity score of the paper should not be more than 10%
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All accepted & presented papers of the Conference by duly registered authors, will be Published in Taylor and Francis online proceeding
The conference will be conducted in Hybrid Mode at Port Blair.
(Elecronics) Communication Technology ,Broad Band Communication, Computer and Intelligent Communication, Mobile and Optical Communication, Wireless Communication Mobile and Optical Networks, Wireless Sensor Networks, Microwave devces, Power system, Control system, VLSI and image processing, Internet of things.
(Computer) Geo-informative Systems Grid Computing Pervasive Computing Digital Image and Video Processing Computer Vision and Image Analysis Data Mining and Cloud Computing Computer Architecture Computer Networks Distributed Computing Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing Optimization Techniques Human- Computer Interaction Theoretical Computer Science Computer Applications ,Artificial Intelligent,Classification and Clustering, Deep Learning, Machine Learning,Parallel and Distributed Computing,Data Science,Computational Science,Computational Intelligence, Computational Biology,Computer Vision,Pattern Recognition,Real Time Systems & Analytics,Natural Language Processing, Evolutionary Learning,Software Engineering,Soft Computing,Image Processing,Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality,Blockchain,Human-machine interaction,Fuzzy and Rough Set,Reinforcement Learning,Smart Cities and Smart Mobility,Cyber Security,Cloud Computing,Big Data Analytics and Applications,Hybrid Intelligence, Nature-Inspired Algorithms,Wearable Computing,Web Intelligence,Health Informatics,Parallel & Distributed Computing and recent trends in computer science.
(Chemical Sciences)Communication Analytical and environmental chemistry,Organic materials and supramolecular chemistry, Ternary and multinary compounds,Biochemistry and technology, Biobased chemicals Synthesis and application of curved, organic molecules and materials, Inorganic chemistry,Designing new heterogeneous catalysis, Macromolecular chemistry, Nanoparticle synthesis and assembly, Organic and medicinal chemistry, Photovoltaic energy conversion,Physical and theoretical chemistry, Synthesis in organic chemistry, Chemical sciences and technologies,The economy and impact on chemicals in the region Global feed stocks and energy, outlook Flow chemistry,Industrial green chemistry, State of the global chemical industry,Solid oxide electrolysis, Single molecule microscopy and spectroscopy,Carbon dioxide utilization, Nano particles with morphological and functional anisotropy Ethylene and propylene developments coal to chemicals, updates Renewable chemicals from waste and recent trends in chemical science. Pharmaceutical chemistry Biotechnology Nano biotechnology and drug delivery,Product Engineering in the Bio Industries,Self-organisation in the Bio-sciences and elsewhere,Delivery of the final product,Biotechnology applied to production of new and better quality food,Physical chemistry and thermodynamics for life sciences and biotechnology,Improvement of environmental remediation processes,Food process technology and engineering,The impact of bio-based polymeric materials,Biochemical and bio-molecular engineering,Bioengineering and biomedical engineering
(Physical Science) Astronomy, Astrophysics & Cosmology, Special and General theory of relativity, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Nuclear & High Energy Physics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Mechanics and Quantum technology, Computational Physics and Simulation, Density Functional Theory, Nanotechnology, Nanophotonics, Nanocomposite, Sensors and Optoelectronics, Renewable energy, Material Characterisation techniques, Ultrasonic and Non-destructive Characterisation EPR and Recent trends in Physics. Astronomy, Astrophysics & Cosmology, Special and General theory of relativity,
Alternate fuels,Applied Mechanics,Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics, Automobiles,Automotive Engineering,Biological Materials,Biomedical Engineering,CAD/CAM/CIM Composition.
Civil systems engineering,Civil systems,Natural systems management,Cyber-physical systems, Systems engineering,Smart systems.Smart cities,Urban modeling and simulation,Behavior modeling Resiliency,Data analytics,Information management
(Special Session) Algebra, Fluid Mechanics, Differential Geometry, Mathematical Modeling, Differential Equations, Complex and Real Analysis, Wavelets, Analysis, Operation Research, Numerical Analysis, Statistics.